Citizen Engagement CIC is a community interest company (limited by guarantee ). We are dedicated to working alongside communities and organisations for social and community purpose . We aim to realise the potential of people in local communities to improve life chances and maximise their contribution to shaping their local services and areas, and enhancing quality of life.Our knowledge together with expertise gained from working with communities and people who use services and with organisations across all business levels, means we are skilled in developing organisational capacity to lead and manage new relationships with citizens.
We specialise in consultancy and hands on support to facilitate collaboration, working together, developing dialogue between public, private and community and voluntary organisation and understanding between decision makers and the communities these decisions affect. We are skilled at service review and appraisal and developing new business models based on co-production, customer focus and systems thinking.
We have over 20 years experience in strategic management and business development built up through leadership roles in housing & community safety, community engagement & involvement, developing community leadership, working with young people, neighbourhood management and community renewal, partnership development, asset transfer, social and community enterprise, skills development, change management, team building and coaching.
Citizen Engagement CIC was formed in response to a genuine desire to recognise and mobilise the expertise contained within communities and organisations and to release this potential in shaping new and innovative ways of working.
For further information please contact :
Sue McGavin
Tel: 01952 770026 / 07557687225